- 2การประชุมs
- 33ผู้เรียนทั้งหมดที่ลงทะเบียนเรียน
- Englishภาษาเสียง
Heart Coherence, HRV and the Breath- Wave Mechanics and Biofeedback application
1. History of my discovery of heart coherence: www.fractalfield.com/coherence
2. The story of my Heart Tuner - most powerful heart coherence trainer- invention: www.goldenmean.info/hearttunerspecial
3. Our existing HRV/ Breath entrainment and empathy trainer- for iPhone- www.heartsring.com
4. Dramatic next version of our Heart biofeedback iPhone- will include real sacral cranial pulse monitoring / biofeedback- real bliss pump: intro at : http://fractalfield.com/heartfusion/hrvpro.html
- Course Dates : Dec. 13, 2015 - & Feb 14, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time (8pm Paris, 11 am California)
1. History of my discovery of heart coherence: www.fractalfield.com/coherence
2. The story of my Heart Tuner - most powerful heart coherence trainer- invention: www.goldenmean.info/hearttunerspecial
3. Our existing HRV/ Breath entrainment and empathy trainer- for iPhone- www.heartsring.com
4. Dramatic next version of our Heart biofeedback iPhone- will include real sacral cranial pulse monitoring / biofeedback- real bliss pump: intro at : http://fractalfield.com/heartfusion/hrvpro.html
- Course Dates : Dec. 13, 2015 - & Feb 14, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time (8pm Paris, 11 am California)

เกี่ยวกับ Dan Winter

Dan Winter
Announcing: Fractal U: THE Fractal Field University
www.FractalU.com in association with LearnItLive.com/FractalU
Sponsored by FractalField.com - Dan Winter - and Implosion Group - - THE place the learn the science and universe sweeping broad...
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