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- 348總學員人數
- 234總課堂數
- Jun 18, 2020自……開始有效
- Colorado, United States地點
My Akashic Records journey began in 2011 after searching for answers to a health challenge I could not resolve. For the first time, I could not find solace or relief in any of my go-to practices - meditation, herbs, dietary adjustments, energy work, divination cards, affirmations, prayer, angel therapy, etc. Everything I tried seemed to fall short, and I was drowning in self-doubt, confusion, and despair.
During my first Akashic Records reading in the spring of 2011, I was given a glimpse into what was happening in my body. It provided so much relief and hope that I knew I needed to explore this...
Amy is a Premier Elite Certified Akashic Records Teacher trained and mentored by Dr. Linda Howe for over 12 years. Her certification classes in the Pathway Prayer Process© are based on Dr. Howe's books and official class outlines.
Learn more about Amy Mak at AkashicRecordsWithAmy.com.